Managed to get up at 5:30 am again and off to the Rec Center. The treadmill was my choice to do the 20 minute aerobic workout. I had walked on the treadmill many times before always walking for 30 minutes to an hour. However, this was totally different. While following the "walking" pace that Kevin had helped me plan, the 20 minutes were a definite workout and went by very quickly.
I started my walk at 2.5 mph for two minutes, then bumped the speed up .5 mph every minute. At 4.0 mph I was at a fairly good jog, and at 4.5 mph I could not complete the minute. I quickly realized I was not quite in good enough shape to keep this pace just yet. I had to modify my speed a bit away from the original plan. I could not believe that after just 20 minutes I felt like I really had a workout. Sure beats walking around a track for an hour!
Nutrition wise I did fairly good and it would have been much better if it had not been for that slice of banana cream cake I could not resist at the office meet-and-greet party. Other than that, I did watch my portion size on the meals although not able to follow exact recipes yet. For right now I am just using food we have at the house and adding the Myoplex shakes for the smaller of the six meals.
Today's Nutrition Effort: 6
Exercise Effort: 9
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