Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day 6 - Saturday - FREE DAY

Although this was my free day, I got so use to getting up at 5:30am, that I woke up at that time. Since I had to drive to Corpus Christi today, I decided to go ahead and get up at that time. I was on the road by 7:00am. Visited my Mom at Wooldridge Nursing Home in Corpus. She was very alert today. We actually carried on somewhat of a conversation. She called me by name two or three times and even said "I love you KK". This was great because sometimes with her alzheimers, she does not even know me. I played some czech music recording for her and she even translated a few phrases. She said she wish that us kids could understand what they are saying. It was a really good visit.

Nutrition - even though it was my free day, I only ate a Whataburger BOB this morning and then ate Jamie's chicken and dressing with a salad in the afternoon with 2 cookies for dessert. (Oh, yes - I did have one margarita at the Home Interior Bingo party). I actually did not get extra hungry today or go crazy with real fattening foods.

I think it was a good FREE day.

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